
The Keosys Blog

Expert insights into medical imaging in clinical trials.
Why are so many imaging queries sent to your site and how can you avoid them?
Why are so many imaging queries sent to your site and how can you avoid them?..
Heptocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Resource Page
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the most common cancer of the liver and the..
Focus On Selective Internal Radiation Therapy with HCC
This is an excerpt from our free eBook, “Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Imaging..
Evaluating Tumor Response in HCC
This is an excerpt from our free eBook, “Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Imaging..
Interview: An Interventional Radiologist Talks About Radioembolization in the Treatment of HCC Today
Dr. Yan Rolland, head of the diagnosis and interventional radiology department..
Interview: A Radiology Professor Talks About mRECIST, Reading Images in Clinical Trials, and More
Maxime Ronot, Professor at the Université de Paris, and Radiologist in the..
Interview: Keosys Advances into a Promising New Year
With our 20th anniversary year recently completed and a new year underway, we..
How to Prepare an Imaging Study While Minimizing Budget and Risk
Sometimes sponsors and CROs are not sure in the early stages of a trial that..
Interview: A Medical Doctor Finds Her Biotech Home
We recently spoke with Eveline Boucher, MD, Senior Medical Director for Boston..
Keo-Tales: Introducing the Keosys Interns
Every year, Keosys takes on a select number of interns, giving them the..
Central Review According to iRECIST in Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Trials
This is an excerpt from our free eBook “Imaging and Read Criteria in Cancer..
iRECIST and Tumor Response to Immunotherapy with Infographic
iRecist and Tumor Response to Immunotherapy When immunotherapy is used to treat..

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